Procurement officers’ survey – still time to respond!

Posted by The Project Team on 19 October 2022

The Buying Social Justice survey of how procurement officers are including social and equality criteria in their work remains open to responses.  If you work in procurement in local government, higher education or in a housing association and haven’t yet completed the survey, we would really appreciate if you can take just 10-15 minutes to complete it here: Buying Social Justice survey.

Your responses will contribute to the development of guidance for procurement colleagues and others on how public authorities can incorporate social and equality aims in their procurements.

The survey has been distributed to procurement officers in local government, housing associations and universities throughout England, Scotland and Wales, and we are very grateful to those who have already responded. We have further extended the survey deadline in order to achieve the widest possible response and ensure that we build up a clear picture of what social and equality aspects are being included in the purchasing of goods, services and works projects.

The survey asks questions about the types of social and equality criteria that are included in all stages of procurement, from tendering and bid evaluation to management of the contract and monitoring, as well as views on the effectiveness of these practices. 

The Buying Social Justice project is grateful to the Higher Education Purchasing Association, the Local Government Association, Procurement for Housing , the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and others for help in distributing the survey.  

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